Here we will be sharing the weekly progress in the development of our sweet baby. We are so glad to share this exciting time in our life with you!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

39 Weeks - Still Pregnant

We are 39 weeks today. Our boy continues to grow and get stronger every day. We are so ready to meet him, but he seems to be taking his sweet time! We have had a rather rough two weeks, which has made us feel all the more ready to meet our boy. 2 weeks ago I fell and broke my ankle, and banged up the opposite knee pretty badly, so now I am in a boot cast. Thankfully I am healing and able to get around some now. I wish I could walk more than a little bit so I could encourage Levi to come on, but, I am doing what I can. I have also been feeling "yuckier" and "yuckier" over the past week or so. I am showing some signs of pre-eclampsia, and still have my tachycardia. The tachycardia has been confirmed that it will not clear up until sweet Levi is born, and the pre-eclampsia is something we just have to keep an eye out for. We are so thankful that our little boy continues to thrive, but Mommy is ready to feel well again!

So this is what I have to say to little Levi:
Sweet boy, while I will greatly miss the fact that right now I can protect you from the rest of the world, and I will miss feeling your little kicks and punches (especially how you always give me a few taps when I start to worry that I haven't felt you in awhile!), I am ready to meet you face to face! Daddy is so excited to meet his boy, so you should hurry up and start making your appearance!!
Love, Mommy

How far along? 39 weeks!!!
Maternity clothes? Oh please. Even those are starting to get too small at this point! I'm HUGE!
Stretch marks? Yep. Sadly, I did not escape without them, but that's okay!
Sleep: What's sleep? I am up all the time at this point between the bathroom, pain, and contractions. I am at least able to get some naps in, which helps.
Best moment this week: Feeling Levi moving around for a good 20 minutes or more last night - it felt like he was trying to break out! Arms and legs every where!
Miss Anything?  I miss not feeling like a slave to my body. I am ready to feel "well" again.
Movement: Oh, he is still a little wiggler! And he gets stronger every day!
Food cravings: Can't say I have been craving anything in particular lately, especially since my nausea is back.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I pretty much feel that way all day long at this point.
Have you started to show yet:  Ha!! I'm super huge!!
Labor Signs: LOTS of contractions! Beyond new signs.
Belly Button in or out? Still in! Looks like it may not become an outie at all!
Wedding rings on or off? They are pretty much in a drawer at this point. I don't wear them around my neck in case I go into labor.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am not in a bad mood, but I am not particularly "happy" since I haven't been feeling well.
Looking forward to: MEETING OUR SON. He needs to get more excited about meeting us and come on out!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Full-term and anxiously waiting!!

We have had an exciting few weeks lately. We've gotten all of our maternity photos done, we had a wonderful baby shower and got great gifts, we went on a shopping spree for the rest of Levi's baby things, and we've gotten his nursery completely ready to go! We have been having lots and lots of contractions over the past week, and were dilated about 1 cm as of Wednesday. Any time that our sweet boy is ready to make his appearance, we are more than ready for him! We are thrilled that he could come at all time, and will be a healthy little boy. We can't wait!!

How far along? 37 weeks!!!
Maternity clothes? Oh please. Even those are starting to get too small at this point! I'm HUGE!
Stretch marks? Yep. Sadly, I did not escape without them, but that's okay!
Sleep: What's sleep? I am up all the time at this point between the bathroom, pain, and contractions. At least I will be ready to be up with a baby!
Best moment this week: Last week Stephen got to feel Levi moving, AND even felt his hiccups! It was awesome. Otherwise this week, the best moment has been today, knowing we are full term and could be ready to go at any time :o)
Miss Anything?  Feeling like a "normal" person. I think I've forgotten what it's like to NOT be pregnant.
Movement: Goodness does this little guy move!! Even now with cramped quarters, he is on the move all the time. Sometimes he even hurts me because he's so strong!
Food cravings: They still tend to be incredibly random. I can't say there is much of anything that I consistently crave.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Lately I've been feeling queasy off and on - mostly I think from the hormones, or contractions.
Have you started to show yet:  Ha!! I'm super huge!!
Labor Signs: LOTS of contractions! We *could* be in early labor!
Belly Button in or out? Believe it or not, it's still in. I must have a super deep belly button.
Wedding rings on or off? Definitely off. I don't even wear them around my neck too much any more in case I go into labor - I don't want to forget and end up wearing them to the hospital where they may get lost.
Happy or Moody most of the time: It varies. I've been in a good mood, but a little bit cranky because I'm sick already of having contractions that don't lead any where.
Looking forward to: HAVING THIS BABY!! At least if he isn't here by Wednesday, we have another doctor's appointment where we will hopefully find out that all these contractions have gotten me somewhere.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

30 weeks - 10 to go!!

How far along? 30 weeks
Maternity clothes? I have "borrowed" a pair of Stephen's stretchy shorts as mine no longer fit (and I'm usually too hot for pants in the house), and still managing in a couple of my regular t-shirts, but for the most it's all about the maternity clothes at this point. Even some of my maternity shirts are getting too short to cover my big baby belly!
Stretch marks? Yeah they are starting to show up...some on my chest and I am seeing one on my stomach now.
Sleep: Let's just say it's a good thing I work from home and can nap when needed!
Best moment this week: Stephen finally got to feel some good movement last week, which was exciting! And I happen to think it's pretty crazy to be able to SEE my belly jumping when Levi kicks!
Miss Anything?  Being able to do basic tasks without them totally wiping me out or killing my back.
Movement: He was a little bit of a slacker for a couple days this week while I was sick, but he is right back to his peppy self! One heck of a kicker. Today he's even been punching/kicking my lower belly and my upper belly at the same time!
Food cravings: Still craving Sprite, though not as much. I had a serious craving for apple juice yesterday.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Still if I eat too much at one time. Also spicy stuff really kills me at this point.
Have you started to show yet:  Funny! I'm huge!
Labor Signs: Nope!
Belly Button in or out? Still in! We'll see if it stays that way!
Wedding rings on or off? They've been off for months. I tried them on about a week or so ago and laughed because they totally didn't fit.
Happy or Moody most of the time: It varies. I've been in a good mood for the most part for the past few days.
Looking forward to: Starting our childbirth class on Thursday! I just hope they don't scare me too much! I'm also looking forward to getting our maternity pictures - I can't wait to see how they turned out!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Welcome to the THIRD TRIMESTER!!

This was taken in honor of Veteran's Day (and in honor of the "baby Daddy"!!)

How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? I have "borrowed" a pair of Stephen's stretchy shorts as mine no longer fit (and I'm usually too hot for pants in the house), and still managing in a couple of my regular t-shirts, but for the most it's all about the maternity clothes at this point.
Stretch marks? There are a few that are making light appearances on my chest and belly...I figured it would come with time.
Sleep: Ha! I switch from side to side all night long, in between bathroom breaks. I'm surviving though. At least I can take naps when I need them!
Best moment this week: Hitting the third trimester!! And I start visits to the Dr. every two weeks!
Miss Anything?  Not feeling like a blimp! I know it's going to get worse before it gets better...
Movement: Oh he is definitely a mover! He kicks, and flips, hiccups, and sometimes I think starts his own mosh pit! He still doesn't want to let Stephen feel him from the outside...he stops every time I put Stephen's hand on my belly!
Food cravings: It still varies by the day. I have been craving Sprite a lot lately though - at least it's caffeine free!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Eating too much at one time. Otherwise things are pretty good on this front.
Have you started to show yet: Absolutely. See above!
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off. I'm not even taking a chance of them getting stuck at this point. They will be around my neck until after Levi comes.
Happy or Moody most of the time: It varies.
Looking forward to: Starting our childbirth class in December!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

6 months time flies!

How far along? 23 weeks
Maternity clothes? I am still living in stretchy shorts while at home, and a couple "normal" t-shirts...although they are getting to the point where they are barely covering my belly. Any time I go out, it's full-on maternity clothing!
Stretch marks? Still haven't made an appearance...I hope it stays that way!
Sleep: My night consists of sleeping on one side for a bit, then waking to go pee, and then sleeping on the other side. It isn't exactly fun only being able to sleep on your sides. Stephen's snoring doesn't help either.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby Levi kick from the outside (10/9 was the first!)! He's been gradually getting more active (or I suppose just big enough for me to feel it). Stephen tried all night on 10/11 to feel him kick, and once we had given up and Stephen's arm just happened to be on my stomach, Levi decided to kick exactly where his arm was! It was awesome :o)
Miss Anything?  Having a normal body! I know it's going to get more strange before it goes back to normal...but man! By the end of my pregnancy I am liable to tip over between my chest and my belly!
Movement: I am starting to be able to feel him quite a bit more. It's still so weird, but awesome at the same time. I love being able to feel him from the outside, though that isn't too often at this point because he moves around so much!
Food cravings: It still varies by the day.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not too much any more. Really it only happens if I eat too much or wait to long to eat a meal.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah, there is definitely a baby bump going on.
Labor Signs: No, although I'm pretty positive I experience Braxton-Hicks last week, although it was never confirmed for sure.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off. I'm not even taking a chance of them getting stuck at this point. They will be around my neck until after Levi comes.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty moody between different things I'm stressing over, and lack of decent sleep.
Looking forward to: Feeling Levi move more and more (although I won't like it too much if he keeps me up at night!), buying more cute things for him and his nursery, and our childbirth class (that I still need to sign up for!).

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Holy cow - We are halfway there!!

How far along? 20 weeks
Maternity clothes? I am living in stretchy lounge shorts when I'm home, when I go out I'm pretty much in full maternity clothing other than a few tank tops/t-shirts.
Stretch marks? Still good so far....let's keep it that way!
Sleep: It's pretty hard to stay comfortable for too long when I can't sleep on my back or I toss and turn a lot. I also have a lot of bathroom breaks throughout the night. Needless to say, I catch naps during the day when I can!
Best moment this week: Well it wasn't this week, but we recently found out we are having a boy - which is what we wanted!! As far as this week, we got in more decals for our nursery and put them is coming along really well!
Have you told family and friends: Of course...everyone knows and is very excited!
Miss Anything?  Still a cold deli sandwich. I also miss being able to wear cuter clothes. Maternity clothes aren't terrible, but they aren't the cutest things!
Movement: I feel little Levi every once in awhile. It's such a strange feeling. I can't wait until it's more often (although I'm sure I won't be happy when it keeps me awake at night!).
Food cravings: It still varies by the day. Tonight it was Mexican...and boy it was yummy!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not too much any more. Really it only happens if I eat too much or wait to long to eat a meal.
Have you started to show yet: I definitely have a "baby bump" going on - although I think people would be able to tell more if my chest wasn't absolutely, crazy gigantic!
Gender prediction: We were hoping for a boy - and we got what we wanted!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? I had to take them off on Saturday. I still tried to wear them Sunday...that wasn't a good idea. So sadly, my finger feels naked, but I am wearing them around my week until little Levi comes.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been pretty moody, but it's been pretty stressful around here for me lately.
Looking forward to: Feeling more movement, looking more pregnant, and all the cute things I can buy now that we know the gender!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

16 weeks and counting!

How far along? 16 weeks
Maternity clothes? I am living in stretchy lounge shorts when I'm home, when I go out I'm pretty much in full maternity clothing other than a few tank tops/t-shirts.
Stretch marks? Still good so far....let's keep it that way!
Sleep: Well, I still get up fairly often for potty breaks, and I have been really having trouble getting comfortable lately. I continue to end up being the most comfortable on my stomach, but I am sure that won't last much longer unless I get really creative!
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat this morning, and experiencing the baby playing hide-n-seek with the doctor as she was trying to keep the doppler on the baby's heartbeat! Oh, and finding out that my fainting spells are completely normal!
Have you told family and friends: Oh yes, and everyone is helpful and excited, especially my Nana Smith, who told me tonight how she cannot wait to hold this little baby!
Miss Anything?  I am missing a good deli sandwich, and I am seriously missing cookie dough, and the ability to lick the bowl when I bake!! Someone write these down so I can have them after the baby is born! ;o)
Movement: Still too soon, but it could be any time...I am certainly paying attention!
Food cravings: It seems to change by the week. This week, it is fruit, yogurt, and orange juice. At least those are healthy compared to previous cravings!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: When I'm hungry I still feel quesy, also when I am super tired, and gross smells still do it.
Have you started to show yet: Slowly getting there...I have a little bit of a belly now. I have read the baby will be doubling in size over the next few weeks, so I am looking forward to looking pregnant, not just fat!
Gender prediction: Not sure
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On, and this week they are looser than last week!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been pretty moody, but it's been pretty stressful around here for me lately.
Looking forward to: Feeling the baby move for the first time, and finding out the gender!! We find out the gender in about 2 weeks, and I cannot wait!! I just hope Baby cooperates!